Config::Registry - Settings bundler.


## Create a Schema Class

package Org::Style;
use strictures 2;

use Types::Standard qw( Str );

use Moo;
use namespace::clean;

extends 'Config::Registry';

    border_color => Str,


## Create a Document Class

package MyApp::Style;
use strictures 2;

use Moo;
use namespace::clean;

extends 'Org::Style';

    border_color => '#333',



## Use a Document Class

use MyApp::Style;

my $style = MyApp::Style->fetch();

print '<table style="border-color:' . $style->border_color() . '">';


This module provides a framework for a pattern we've seen emerge in
ZipRecruiter code as we've been working to separate our monolithic
application into smaller and more manageable code bases.

The concept is pretty straightforward. A registry consists of a
schema class and one or more document classes. The schema is used to
validate the documents, and the documents are used to configure the
features of an application.


    border_color => Str,

The schema is a hash ref of attribute name and [Type::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Type%3A%3ATiny) pairs.
These pairs get turned into required [Moo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Moo) attributes when
["publish"](#publish) is called.

Top-level schema keys may have a hash ref, rather than a type, as
their value. This hash ref will be used directly to construct the
[Moo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Moo) attribute. The `required` option defaults on, and the `is`
option default to `ro`. You can of course override these in the
hash ref.

For example, the above code could be written as:

    border_color => { isa => Str },

The attribute can be made optional by passing an options hash ref:

    border_color => { isa => Str, required => 0 },

Non-top level keys can be made optional using [Type::Standard](https://metacpan.org/pod/Type%3A%3AStandard)'s
`Optional` type modifier:

    border_colors => Dict[
        top    => Optional[ Str ],
        right  => Optional[ Str ],
        bottom => Optional[ Str ],
        left   => Optional[ Str ],

See ["Create a Schema Role"](#create-a-schema-role) for a complete example.


    border_color => '#333',

A document is a hash ref of attribute name value pairs.

A document is used as the default arguments when `new` is called
on the registry class.

See ["Create a Document Class"](#create-a-document-class) for a complete example.


## fetch

my $registry = $class->fetch();

Returns the singleton instance of the registry class.


## schema

__PACKAGE__->schema( \%schema );

Sets the schema hash ref. If a schema hash ref has already been
set then ["merge"](#merge) will be used to combine the passed in schema with
the existing schema.

See ["SCHEMAS"](#schemas) for more information about the schema hash ref

## document

__PACKAGE__->document( \%doc );

Sets the document hash ref. If a document hash ref has already been
set then ["merge"](#merge) will be used to combine the passed in document with
the existing document.

See ["DOCUMENTS"](#documents) for more information about the document hash ref

## publish


Turns the ["schema"](#schema) hash ref into [Moo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Moo) attributes and enables the
registry class to be instantiated.


Please submit bugs and feature requests to the
Config-Registry GitHub issue tracker:



Thanks to [ZipRecruiter](https://www.ziprecruiter.com/) for
encouraging their employees to contribute back to the open source
ecosystem. Without their dedication to quality software development
this distribution would not exist.


Aran Clary Deltac <bluefeet@gmail.com>


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.