Xref: feenix.metronet.com comp.infosystems.www:693 Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www Path: feenix.metronet.com!news.utdallas.edu!wupost!spool.mu.edu!agate!linus!linus.mitre.org!linus!sbakke From: sbakke@xcuseme.MITRE.org (Steve Bakke) Subject: C to HTML converter Message-ID: Lines: 177 Sender: news@linus.mitre.org (News Service) Nntp-Posting-Host: xcuseme.mitre.org Organization: MITRE Corp. McLean Va. Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 11:38:07 GMT Lines: 177 Hello, here is a perl script that takes ctags output and converts C source to hyper text files. This will allow you to walk through your source code as easily as walking through any other hyper text documentation. Steve Bakke c-to-html --------- CUT HERE --------------- #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # NAME # c-to-html # # SYNOPSIS # c-to-html # # DESCRIPTION # This perl script will generate hyper text files from C source code # using ctags output. # # HOW TO USE # # 1. Run ctags for your source directory tree. # Something like: # # ctags -txw *.c *.h > CTAGS # # Or for a source tree: # # find . \( -name '*.h' -o -name '*.c' \) -exec ctags -txw {} > CTAGS \; # # # 2. Now run: # # c-to-html CTAGS # # This should read CTAGS and place each hypertext file in a subdirectory # called html. # # AUTHOR # Steven M. Bakke sbakke@mitre.org # # NOTES # As this is one of my first perl scripts, please let me # know how this can be improved. Please send any changes and # suggestions to sbakke@mitre.org. # # $_ = shift(ARGV); if ($_) { $tagsfile = $_; } else { print "usage: c-to-html ctags-file\n"; exit; } if (!open(TAGS, $tagsfile)) { print STDERR "Could not open tags file.\n"; } if (!(-d "html")) { system("mkdir html"); } @tags = ; foreach $line (@tags) { ($node, $lno, $path, $pat) = $line =~ /(\w[^0123456789 ]*)\s*(\d*)\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)$/; # print "LINE: [$node]\t[$lno]\t[$path]\t[$pat]\n"; @path_split = split(/\//, $path); $file = $path_split[$#path_split]; @files{$path} = $file; # Save the filename from the path. @patterns{"$path:$lno"} = "$node:$lno:$path:$pat"; @references{$node} = "$node:$lno:$path:$pat"; } #exit(0); foreach $file (keys(%files)) { # # Open the source file. # print "opening: $file -- [$files{$file}]\n"; if (!open(INFILE, $file)) { print STDERR "Can't open $file. bye\n"; } else { # # Create the hypertext file. # $outfile = "> html/$files{$file}.html"; if (!open(OUTFILE, $outfile)) { print STDERR "Can't open output file for $outfile.\n"; exit(0); } $line_count = 0; print OUTFILE "
	print OUTFILE "
  • FILE: $file

    "; while ($_ = ) { $line_count++; chop; s/ÿ/y/; # Remove this annoying character. s//>/; # s/\/\*/

    \/\*/; # Put comments in H4 bold # s/\*\//\*\/<\/H4>/; # End comment bold. if (($info = $patterns{"$file:$line_count"})) { ($node, $lno, $path, $pat) = split(/:/,$info); print OUTFILE "
  • $_

    \n" } # # Setup link for includes. # elsif (/include/) { if (/</) { $li = "<"; $ri = ">"; } else { $li = $ri = "\""; } ($left, $include_file, $right) = split(/\"|<|>/, $_); print OUTFILE "$left $li$include_file$ri $right\n"; } else { $found = 0; @words = split(/\W/, $_); foreach $word (@words) { if (!$found && $word && (($ref_info = $references{$word}))) { ($node, $lno, $path, $pat) = split(/:/, $ref_info); ($left, $right) = split(/$word/, $_); print OUTFILE "$left$word$right\n"; $found = 1; } } if (!$found) { print OUTFILE $_, "\n"; } } } } }